
3D Printed Resin Helps Deliver Advanced Manufacturing for the UK Combat Air Sector

五月 20, 2021

BAE Systems is using large scale 3D printing to produce high temperature mould tooling utilising Airtech Dahltram® I-350CF resin in the production of a manufacturing technology demonstration activity for exploitation in the Combat Air environment.

The Dahltram® I-350CF system is a high temperature capable, carbon fibre reinforced, PEI based 3D Print resin, which has been adopted by the aerospace industry. BAE Systems has been working on the development of the manufacturing process with Airtech Advanced Materials Group and Ingersoll Machine Tools, Inc. who printed the mould tool on their MasterPrint large format 3D Printing platform.

A feature of the Dahltram® range of resins is its suitability for multiple print platforms, providing production flexibility with end use material approvals. Airtech has been able to demonstrate technology readiness and manufacturing readiness with its Dahltram® range of resins and its own in-house tooling 3D Print service. Continuous thermal cycle testing, pressure leak testing, laser surface scanning and contact material testing have generated data supporting over 250 autoclave cycles, without degradation of the Dahltram manufactured tooling. Airtech Advanced Materials Group has Dahltram® Additive Manufacturing Resins and Print-Tech large scale 3D Printed tool manufacturing capability in the USA and Europe.



Airtech Advanced Materials Group 是全球最大的预浸料/热压罐、树脂导入和湿铺的真空袋与复合模具材料(适用温度高达 799°F (426°C))生产商,Airtech Asia 是其分公司。

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